Greetings HPC User,

We are glad to announce that the new infrastructure for the HPC cluster is now accessible to all the HPC users. Please refer to the following documentation for more details on the changes of the new HPC cluster.

The following are some of the highlights for the new infrastructure integration:

  • Some old nodes from previous infrastructure have been retired.
  • Infiniband technology has been integrated into the cluster.
  • New HPC storage system has been configured to replace the previous storage system.
  • New login node has been configured to replace the previous login node.
  • Most information in the Confluence documentation site has been updated accordingly.
  • New HPC Test module has been integrated into the HPC login node.

Please keep in mind that not everything was tested in depth, so there might be bugs or issues when you try to run something untested previously. If you encounter any issues when using the new infrastructure, please raise a ticket at the service desk.

Thank you.

Categories: HPCNews