Advanced Slurm Job Scheduling

In the High Performance Computing (HPC) environment, all users execute their calculation or simulation via submitting a job. Ever since then, more and more complex and heavy jobs have been designed. It is quite common that in today’s scientific researches involve multiple different inputs with same calculations or a sequence Read more…

Container in HPC Environment

Scientific Applications in the domain of High Performance Computing (HPC) usually have massive requirements when it comes to computing resources like CPU, memory, GPU, I/O throughputs and fast interconnects. The massive requirements are why most of the workloads are traditionally run in a bare-metal setup, directly on physical servers, which Read more…

Storage in HPC Environment

Storage plays an important role for data to be stored reliably and processed swiftly in a HPC environment. HPC is designed to handle and analyse intensive and complex computational tasks, such as weather forecasting, molecular modelling and machine learning[1]. Therefore, the storage within a HPC environment is not simply about Read more…