Greetings HPC Users,

In order to prepare for integration of new HPC infrastructure, we are pleased to inform you that the current Open OnDemand portal will be migrated. New OpenOnDemand portal is now available at We will shutdown the current running OpenOnDemand portal at in Jun 2023. Please be reminded that OpenOnDemand is a HPC portal that is only accessible after connecting to the VPN. SSH to the HPC login node will remain unaffected until later notice.

There are some changes on the interfaces in the new OpenOnDemand portal as well as some newly added features as follows:

  • You can now view and access your interactive sessions quickly from the landing page.
  • You can now see the Lustre directory for each of your projects in the file manager. Previously only the user Home directory and Lustre directory were listed.
  • It is now possible to access your remote Cloud Storage such as Google Drive from within OpenOnDemand portal, but you will need to set up your Cloud Storage access first using rclone in the HPC login node through SSH terminal.
  • All interactive sessions are now cancelled instead of deleted. This allows the new interactive sessions to be launched quickly based on the settings of the previously cancelled interactive sessions. You can still manually delete the interactive sessions after cancelling them or allow for one week to be automatically removed.

If you encountered any issue while using the new OpenOnDemand portal, please raise a ticket at our service desk. Meanwhile, we are now featured in the OpenOnDemand community.

Thank you and have a nice day ahead.

Categories: HPCNews