Greeting HPC Users,

We would like to remind again, all users that wish to gain and keep their full access to all the HPC resources should complete the new set of HPC tests by the end of April. All users with full access that did not complete or failed to pass the new tests after the internal review will be reverted to a limited account. The link to the tests can be found as follows:

  1. General HPC Understanding Test (E001)
  2. Basic HPC Linux (E002)
  3. Basic HPC Usage (E003)

Also, we would like to address the marking scheme for the new tests in this email. As mentioned in the tests, each question can contain more than one answer. As it is certainly impossible to score full marks for the tests (even as the system administrator), we have decided to set the passing score as 60% of the total score. We are going to mark the tests based on the following criteria:

  • Questions with all correct answers selected will be given 2 marks.
  • Questions with more than half of the correct answers selected will be given 1 mark.
  • Questions with no answer or wrong answer selected will not be given any mark.

Our questions were designed in such a way that:

  • We expect most of the users to incorrectly answer 20% of the questions.
  • We expect 40% of the questions to have all the correct answers selected. (40% of the scores)
  • We expect 40% of the questions to have more than half of the answers selected. (20% of the scores)

Other than that, some of you might be wondering why you need to know the answers for many of the questions, since you might never use it. It is our responsibility to deliver the information on what we offer and what you can do, just like orientation for newcomers. The tests are designed as a guideline on what you can do and what you should not do throughout the journey in the HPC, and most of the answers can be found in our written documentation. If it didn’t, many of the answers can be found with some quick Google Search.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Thank you.

Categories: HPCNews