Greetings HPC Users,

In order to better protect the benefits of being a full HPC account owner, we have decided to make the following changes to all the limited accounts:

  • All limited accounts now only have access to ‘limited‘ QoS instead of ‘short‘ QoS. The ‘limited‘ QoS does not have a priority boost compared to ‘short‘ QoS. This change intends to remove priority bonus for the jobs submitted by limited account owners.
  • All limited accounts now only can submit jobs to gpu-k10, gpu-k40c and cpu-opteron partitions. Previously there was no restriction on the type of resources they can access. This change intends to prevent limited account owners that do not have sufficient capability to block important resources such as EPYC and V100S from those who really need it.
  • The total amount of resources a limited account can utilise at one time remain unchanged: 4 CPUs, 16 GB RAM, 1 GPU, and 1 hour maximum walltime.

These changes aim to minimise the impact of new users with limited accounts on the HPC resources, so that the jobs submitted by full account owners are not heavily affected by brand new users. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the changes, please let us know.

Thank you.

Categories: HPCNews