Dear DICC Users,

We will be relocating our HPC cluster to a more proper data center in PTM building to minimize the power outage issues which have been happening recently. The relocation activities are planned on the following dates:

Activity: Relocation of HPC Cluster
Date: 12pm, 13th August (Friday) – 12pm, 23rd of August (Monday), 2021

All services will be unavailable during the activity period. Users are encouraged to plan their activities accordingly.

There will be some changes to the usage of the HPC cluster after the relocation. We will be conducting online user training, a presentation of our HPC design, and also on some basic HPC concepts on 25th and 26th August 2021. All users are encouraged to attend the sessions. An invitation link will be sent to all the users once we confirm the time.


Users are encouraged to save all their important data in the home directory (/scratch/<username>) provided before the relocation date. The data in the scratch directory (/scratch/<username>) that are not been accessed for more than 60 days will be clean up and remove during the relocation process. Any data or file erase/lost in the scratch directory during the relocation process will not be able to recover.

Categories: News