Dear DICC Users,

The maintenance on the HPC was completed on 5 Jun 2021, 12.30pm. Users may now login to the HPC to submit jobs and calculations. The updates and changes that have been performed on the system are listed as followed:

  1. SLURM version has been updated from 20.05.2 to 20.11.7.
  2. Quality of Service configuration has been updated. More detail can be found in the previous post and documentation page.
  3. Available CPU cores in all the CPU compute nodes has been reverted back to 64 CPUs.
  4. Features configuration has been removed from all the nodes. If you specified constraints in your submission script, you will need to remove the parameters to avoid job submission issues.

Meanwhile, there were two jobs in the HPC that were running during the maintenance period. So the jobs were requeued. As the QoS system was updated, some of the jobs will need to resubmit due to mismatch of wall time and QoS setting.

If you encounter any problem after updates, kindly raise a ticket in our service desk.

Thank you.

Categories: News